
From 3815 to Success: Rushion McDonald

The story of Rushion McDonald
Rushion was raised in a loving home by two brothers and six sisters. His mother was a housewife, while his father was a truck driver. McDonald said his father just wanted him to get a job, but his mother saw greatness in him. His teachers also saw this in him and, for that matter, tried to separate him from the other students. The burden of being exceptional was not something he desired. He only wanted to blend in and be a part of the crowd, but no teacher allowed that to happen. All he wanted in high school was to get his diploma and work as a forklift driver. Rushion’s math teacher, Ms. Nelson, insisted that Rushion apply to the University of Houston since she would not support this modest ambition for such a gifted mathematician.

He had no idea what his gifts were in high school, but the push he had from those around him had him develop a mindset for which he said, “I had to admit that I was talented and the success in my life was not tied to luck. You win based on effort, not being at the right place at the right time.”

McDonald’s knack for comedy paved the way for a stand-up career, eventually crossing paths with Steve Harvey. Shifting from sitcom writing to managing Harvey’s career for sixteen years, McDonald played a pivotal role in creating an entertainment empire. 3815 Media, Inc. was founded by Rushion McDonald. Its name originated from his childhood home address, which begins with 3815. McDonald uses the memory of his small home as a reminder that if you “lead with your gifts,” you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

At Kings & Priests
At a recent event (Kings & Priests ‘23 ATL), Rushion McDonald was honoured, for which he gave a powerful speech on the theme, “Why not me?”

Why Not me?
He made a strong statement to start: “I’m here for a reason.” This straightforward but insightful statement challenges each of us to consider our own purpose. Every person has a distinct contribution to make in this world, and that must be acknowledged. Accepting our purpose in life is the first step towards living a happy and meaningful life. Rushion emphasized the importance of living with the words, “Why Not Me?”—a question that challenges the self-imposed limitations we often carry.

Lead With Your Gifts:
If you have ever watched motivational videos of Rushion, he always says this, “Lead With Your Gifts!” At Kings & Priests, he repeated this mantra and reminded everyone to appreciate and leverage their inherent strengths. Often, we downplay our abilities due to external influences. He encouraged us to celebrate our unique talents and not let fear or external opinions prevent us from pursuing our passions.

Overcoming Dream Crushers:
He quickly added by warning us against dream crushers—those well-intentioned loved ones who might advise us to scale down our ambitions. The message is clear: don’t let anyone discourage you from starting that business, pursuing a particular career, or going to college Follow your own path instead of letting the doubters pull you down. These naysayers could be our own voices. He never thought he would go far but he pushed through, and where he stands speaks for itself.

In Conclusion: Empowering the “Why Not Me” Mentality
In a world often defined by doubt and limitations, embracing the “Why Not Me” mindset becomes a revolutionary act of self-empowerment. By recognizing our purpose, defying limitations, leading with our gifts, overcoming dream crushers, and acknowledging our regal essence, we unlock the door to a life filled with purpose and fulfilment.

Rushion’s Website:
Rushion’s Instragram:
Rushion’s YouTube:

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